Anna's lost memory Jun-5-2024 When Anna was a child, she was injured by Elsa’s magic and lost all her memories of it with the help of the trolls. So, now that the events of Frozen have been resolved, what happened to Anna’s forgotten memories? Let’s take a closer look at what might have become of Anna’s lost memories. Elsa's MBTI Mar-15-2024 What would be Elsa’s MBTI personaliyt? Based on her actions in the movies, as well as descriptions from various novels and storybooks, we will attempt to determine Elsa’s MBTI type. On what date did Frozen 2 take place? Jan-2-2023 The reddish autumn leaves and foliage suggest that Frozen 2 took place in autumn. Now, the question arises: on which exact date did it happen? In this article, we'll delve into finding an answer to this intriguing question. Anna and Elsa's dresses: who made them? Nov-1-2022 Anna and Elsa have many different outfits in the Frozen series. Let's take a closer look at who, where, and how they got these outfits. Why Olaf loves bears Sep-28-2022 Olaf mentions bears quite often in Frozen. He is involved in many episodes with bears, both in movies and children's books. Why is Olaf so interested in bears? Let's find out why. Elsa and Unicorn Sep-14-2022 What's Elsa's favorite animal? Is it reindeer or any other animals? Or doesn't Elsa have any interest in them? Let's figure out Elsa's favorite animal. Ahtohallan: its origin and meaning Aug-31-2022 Ahtohallan is a key concept and place to understand the magic of the Frozen universe. Why was it named like that? We investigate its etymology in this article. Frozen Polar Nights: Review and Thoughts Aug-2-2022 Review and thoughts on Frozen Polar Nights: Cast into Darkness book. The relation between the disaster on Arendelle and the spirits of the Enchanted Forests Jul-10-2022 As a response to the mysterious voice, Elsa awakens the spirits of the Enchanted forest. After that, some disasters occur in Arendelle, like water drying up and strong wind blowing. So who brought these? Spirits? Atohallan? Let's focus on the sound and determine who is responsible. Courtyard garden in Arendelle castle Jun-11-2022 Arendelle castle has a small courtyard garden decorated with bushes and a willow tree. In some scenes, we see Anna and Iduna spending their times there. Then what would be the exact position of this garden? Let's find it. A secret on the Northuldra camp scene in Frozen 2 Feb-13-2022 In Frozen 2, a small but interesting secret is hidden in the scene where Elsa and Anna leave the Northuldra camp. Let's see what that secret is and how that scene was made. Why Olaf left the fruitcake in Frozen adventure Dec-8-2021 In Olaf's Frozen Adventure, Olaf wanders around the Arendelle town to ask about the family traditions. Among the presents he has got, he tries to leave the fruitcake in the town. Let's discuss why he did that way. Estimation of the year when Olaf's Frozen adventure took place Oct-23-2021 It is quite easy to calculate the moon phase of a given date. Conversely, we can estimate that date if we were given some pictures of a specific moon phase. Let's estimate the year when Olaf's Frozen adventure took place by analyzing its full moon phase. The date when Olaf's frozen adventure took place Oct-6-2021 Olaf's frozen adventure deals with the series of events that happens in the Christmas season. Although the explict date of the event is not known, we can speculate it by analyzing the stuff shown in movie, such as clothes and dialogs. In this article, I try to pin down the most probable date OFA took on place. Hidden Mickey in Frozen series Aug-25-2021 As in the other Disney animation movie, hidden Mickey appears as an Easter egg in the Frozen movie series. Let's spot all of them. Tracking Elsa's route in Into the Unknown scene #2 Aug-9-2021 Now Elsa at the Arendelle castle. Let's track the route Elsa, and the villagers followed during their evacuation. Tracking Elsa's route in Into the Unknown scene #1 Mar-10-2021 After Into the Unknown scene, Elsa wakes up the spirits of the Enchanted Forest. A disaster by the spirits sweeps Arendelle, and people run away from the village. Elsa first runs to Arendelle castle. Let's discuss where she ran. Iduna and Agnarr's birthday Feb-2-2021 It is well known that the winter solstice is Elsa's birthday, and the summer solstice is Anna's birthday. Then, when are their parents Iduna and Agnarr's birthday? Knitted animation in Olaf's Frozen adventure Jan-26-2021 In Olaf's Frozen adventure, there is an animation sequence as if it was drawn on a knitted scarf. Let's see how that scene was made. Anna and Elsa's teardrops Jan-12-2021 Anna and Elsa often shed tears. Let's examine what characteristics Anna and Elsa's teardrops have. Anna's favorites: Krumkake and Kransekake Dec-7-2020 One of the Anna's favorite dessert is Krumkake. Let's find out what the krumkake is and what its name means. Northuldra camp-before and now Dec-4-2020 The Northuldra are nomadic people living in simple camps. How has the appearance of their camp changed over time? Let's examine how much their camp has changed compared to 34 years ago. What Northuldra children do when they play with each other Nov-6-2020 Northuldra are the nomadic people living in the enchanted forest. What would Northuldra children do when they play with each other? It might be different from the urban (Arendelle) children's. In this article, we examine what Northuldra children do when they play in the enchanted forest. Anna in the Arendelle castle balcony Oct-30-2020 After Into the unknown, the whole bunch of icy crystals formed by Elsa falls across Arendelle. Let's spot hidden Anna in this scene. Hidden meaning of the Anna's presents on Frozen Fever Jun-17-2020 Elsa gives many stuff as birthday presents on Frozen:Fever. Let's examine the hidden meaning on these presents by the number 13 and 19. The outfit of the Northuldra people Mar-5-2020 Frozen 2 introduces new people named Northuldra who live far north from Arendelle. They have quite a different culture from Arendelle. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of their clothes. The Route Elsa chose when running away from the coronation Mar-4-2020 Let's clarify the route where Elsa went through after running away from her coronation Spotting the location of Dam in Enchanted forest Mar-4-2020 There exists a dam in Enchanted forest in Frozen 2. Let's clarify its exact location. Spotting the location of kingdom of Arendelle Mar-4-2020 The Kingdom of Arendelle is the place where the movie Frozen takes places. Let's clarify where it is really located. Elsa's Shockwave Mar-4-2020 Elsa... casting a showckwave Anna's movement on the dam destruction scene Feb-27-2020 We focus on Anna's movements and her intention in the Dam destruction scene in Frozen 2 The timeline of Frozen universe Feb-25-2020 When did the events in the Frozen universe take place? In this article, we try to estimate the exact year when Frozen 1 took place. Is ending scene in Frozen 2 Anna's coronation or not? Feb-13-2020 Let's examine whether the ending scene in Frozen 2 is the same day as Anna's coronation All things about the sextant girl Feb-12-2020 All things about that cute sextant girl Some fine details on Elsa and Anna's dress in Frozen fever Feb-3-2020 It's now Anna's 19th birthday. We can observe how much Elsa preprared for her sis Elsa is not fond of Olaf Feb-2-2020 Elsa's familiar spirt Olaf. It seems that Elsa and Olaf are getting along with each other.. but the true fact is? Elsa is in Slytherin Jan-19-2020 If Elsa goes to Hogwarts, which house would she be in?