Hidden meaning of the Anna's presents on Frozen Fever

Frozen Fever logo

Frozen Fever is a short film of Frozen series telling the story of Anna’s 19th birthday party. This takes places one year after Frozen 1 event, on the summer solstice (Anna’s birthday).

Since this day is Anna’s 19th birthday, we can spot many things related to the number 19, or some other numbers. It makes more interesting to se the movie if you can catch the hideen details. In this article, we discuss things related to the number on Frozen Fever.

Two numbers especially get our attention.

  • 13 : 13 years for which Anna and Elsa were separated after the accident.
  • 19 : Anna’s 19th birthday

Keep these two numbers on your mind, and let’s see how they appear in the film.

Number of presents

The total number of presents that Elsa gave to Anna is 13.

13 presents Elsa gave to Anna

As discussed, Elsa and Anna were separated for 13 years after the accident until Frozen 1. That is, 13 years is the year where Elsa couldn’t celebrate Anna’s birthday. So Elsa has prepared 13 presents for those missing birthday party. We can regard the birthday cake also as a presents, but it looks that we normally treat birthday cake and presents as a distinct thing. So, it seems that Elsa preprated 13 birthday presnets.


13 named snowgie

At the last shot of the film, Olaf and Kristoff take bunch of Snowgies to the Elsa’s ice palace. In this scene, Olaf enumerate the names of each Snowgie, and those names sum up to 13.

Flowers on Elsa’s dress

19 flowers on Elsa’s dress

This was already posted in the previous post. Before taking the birthday treasure journey, Elsa decorates her dress with flowers using her magic. At this point, you can observe that she attaches 19 flowers on her dress. Since this day is Anna’s 19th birthday, she uses 19 flowers, quiet a delicate detail.

Sunflowers for Anna

Sunflowers on Anna’s dress

After attaching flowers on her dress, Elsa also decorate Anna’s dress. As you know, this dress is also one of the birthday presents. On Anna’s dress, you can see the sunflower patterns on the bottom, and counting them shows that we have total 12 sunflowers. On top of her dress, we see 2 more sunflowers patterns. Laer she gets a bouquet with 5 sunflowers, which sums up to total 12+2+5=19 sunflowers. This is also meant to celebrate Anna’s 19th birthday.

For the detailed counting of the number of flowers, please see the previous post.

Snowgies blocked by Krisoff

19 Snowgies

When Snogies try to get the birthday cake, Krisotff blocks them with the bowl. You can see that the total number of Snowgies blocked by Kristoff’s bowl is 19. Maybe Snowgies also aware of Anna’s birthday?

Balloons on courtyard

19 balloons

Elsa also sets many ornaments in the castle courtyard. Among them, we see some balloons. we see that total 19 balloons are in there. Again, for the celebration of Anna’s 19th birthday.

Anna’s hat

Ornaments on Anna’s hat

Later in the movie, Anna gets a birthday hat as a present. Take a close look at the ornaments on that hat.

We see 13 candles on this hat. Other ornaments such as flowers are also 13. The number of letters on the hat ‘ITS MY BIRTHDAY’ is also 13.

As said, Elsa and Anna are separated 13 years, and she tries to cover those missing birthday parties and gives Anna 13 present adn 13-decorated hat.

Sunflowers on thet birthday cake

22 Sunflowers on the cake

The birthday cake has sunflower decorations on itself. From the top to bottom, we see 7, 7, 8 sunflowers on each row. Totally giving 22 sunflowers.

What is the meaning of 22? I thknk it is related to the Anna’s birthday. In Frozen, Anna’s birthday is summer solstice, June 21 or 22th. Maybe the summer solstice on this year would be June 22, so Elsa requested 22 sunflowers to be decorated on the birthday cake.

Sunflowers in the globe

13 sunflowers in the globe

At the Oaken’s store, Elsa prepared a globe as a presnet. There exist tiny sunflwoers in that globe. Taking a close look on the globe reveals that we have 13 sunflowers in it.

Making Today a Perfect Day

Making today a perfect day

Take a look at the lyrics of the main song of Frozen Fever, ‘Making today a perfect day’ We observe that the sentence ‘Making today a perfect day’ actually occurs 13 times. Technically speaking, ‘Making today a perfect day’ appears 12 times, and ‘Perfect day!’ appears 1 time as Elsa cry out before she finally blows the bukkehorn, summing up to 13 time of perfect day.

Elsa saying perfect day

This song is also a presnet for Anna. Since she have missed 13 perfect birthday party, she says making a perfect birthday 13 times.

Stairs in the clocktower

19 staircase in the clocktower

Now we go to the clocktower. The number of stairs in the clocktower is 19. Elsa took weeks for preparing the birthday party, and she might have spent many times to renew this staircase.

Hair pins

19 hair pins on Elsa’s head

Finally, take a look at the hair pins on Elsa’s hair. In Frozen 1, Elsa used snowflakes but now she uses the flowers as her hair pin. This flower is the flower she used to decorate her dress mentioned before.

If we take a close look, we see that Elsa has one large flower on the left side of her hair, and 9 small flowers on her briad.

Big number 1 and small number 9 → 19.

That is, Elsa gave a lot of attnetion even for this tiny thing to celebrate Anna’s 19th birthday.

I think there exist more interesting things related to the number 13, 19 or other number that I have missed. If you are interested, now it’s your turn to find more!


  1. Total number of presents = 13
  2. Named Snowgies = 13
  3. Flowers on Elsa’s dress = 19
  4. Sunflowers given to Anna = 19
  5. Snowgies blocked by Kristoff = 19
  6. Number of balloons = 19
  7. Ornaments on Anna’s hat = 13
  8. Sunflowers on the birthday cake = 22
  9. Sunflowers in the globe= 13
  10. Occurence of Making Today a Perfect Day = 13
  11. Staircases in the clocktower = 19
  12. Hair pins on Elsa’s hair = 19