Into the Frozen

This site concerns anything about Disney’s Frozen film series.

I like to develop theories, analyze story plot, and discuss anyting related to backgrounds, characters and canons about this film.

Most of the posts can also be found in Frozen gallery or Elsa gallery (A Frozen fan community in Korea).

The original posts are written in Korean and I try to offer the English post also, but it might take some times to translate all the posts. As of now, (37/73) pages are translated.

You can contact me via [email protected], or send a message on Discord. psst#1801 is my Discord username.

Please press Korean button on upper right panel if you would like to view this site in Korean :)

한국어로 작성된 내용을 보고 싶으시면 오른쪽 위에 Korean 버튼을 눌러주세요 :)